Tropical Grassland

 Tropical Grassland

Location : It lies from 5 to 20 deg N-S in the interior part of continent.

Countries : Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, etc.

Physical & Climatic Features :

  • This region has largest grassland in the world named as Savanna grassland which is semi-arrid plain land structure.
  • This region has very day orinoko basin and deccan plateau and some Brazilian highlands, are connected to sea.
  • The climate of this remains hot & dry in summer and warm and wet in winter.
  • The temperature of this region is ground to 40-45° C with no rainfall and Loo (hot dry winds), winter temperature remains 15-25°C and rainfall is about 150 cm throughout winter.

Characteristics of the Grassland What Is a Grassland Biome?

Natural Vegetation & Wildlife:

  • This region has large grassland area having tall umbrella shaped trees and grasses are yellowish-green.
  • We can find elephant grass(16 ft tall,razor-shaped from both sides), baobab, acacia, etc. here.
  • This region is called 'Zoo of the World' because 90% of the wild animals are found here (Kenya).
  • We can find all animals except tiger, elephants red panda and Kangaroo such as pig, fox,lion, etc.

Tropical Soils | Soils 4 TeachersGrasslands - Wild Earth News & Facts

Socio-economic activities:

  • This region is quite primitive in terms of physical infrastructural development because of climate and less pollution.
  • Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, etc. are the regions of the world whose economic activities are depended upon wild animals, animal Saffari and tourism.
  • This region is blessed with petroleum ,coal and diamonds, this region is hub of silicon and sulphur.
  • Massai tribes dominate this region, and this region is developing in trading centres.

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